Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chappathi diet versus Rice diet

In South India, there is a popular belief that Chappathi diet will help those with Rice diet, lose weight. Some dieticians say that Chappathi and Rice more or less are induce same level of calories into the body for equal quantities and it doesn't make a difference.

Assuming that is true, how come people who changed their diet from Rice diet to Chappathi diet claim to have lost weight?

I tried it and here is what I observed. Cooked rice, is soft and easily chewable. I could even swallow a lot of rice without having to chew it. So, I didn't even know how much quantity I was consuming. However, the case with Chappathi is I had to chew every piece. It would choke my throat if I try to swallow. For a lazy person like me, in order to avoid a hell lot of chewing, I cut down on the quantity of chappathi I could have.

There you go!

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